Deaf Can! Coffee walked away with a million dollar development award on Friday, February 24 at the SEBI Pitch for Purpose Award, held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston.

A panel of judges listened to pitches made by five shortlisted candidates, which included: Deaf Can! Coffee, Kimroy Bailey Robotics, Bresheh, Aquaflow and Educators JA, before making a final decision.
SEBI Pitch for Purpose Competition
         1st Place Deaf Can! Coffee – $1million Development Award
         2nd Place Bresheh – Business Development Award 
The People’s Pitch Award, which was chosen through a poll here on Loop Jamaica, also went to Deaf Can! Coffee.
The SEBI Pitch for Purpose was powered by JN Foundation, Digicel Foundation, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and JN Small Business Loans. The Social Enterprise Boost Initiative (SEBI) is a joint JN Foundation and USAID project.

See the original article here!

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